
I feel like my heart is crushed. My worst night mare has come true not once but twice now. I have lost two babies. I’m so incredibly sad and so tired. It feels hopeless and scary and I’m exhausted. My husband is so so so supportive and I’m lucky for that, unbelievably so, but I can’t keep going on like this. I think if it happens again and if I can’t get pregnant this year or the next I want to stop. I can’t keep going this way. It’s traumatizing emotionally, mentally and physically. My husband is on my side and says he will get a vasectomy when we decide we should stop trying so that I don’t have to worry about anything. I just wanted to get that off my chest because I know that people might say it’s okay and all that and that it probably won’t happen again and more but I’ve heard it all and it doesn’t take away from the incredible pain that comes from losing a baby, in my case two babies. Just trying to move forward but honestly I feel like I’m not that excited to try for another baby..