DBD ignores our kids but spends time with others!!

My girls dad literally acts like my kids do not exist until he’s ready to play daddy by randomly popping in for a 5 minute visit every 2 months, or a phone call every few weeks. He blames me and tells people I keep them away from him, when In reality he never ever makes an effort for them at all! We live in the same town and he has time to text daily abusive and downgrading things to and about me, but never mentions the kids or asks how they are, how’s school, etc etc. My girls are 4 & 6 and are constantly talking about their dad, missing him and as bad as he treats them they are innocent babies and they love him so much. It’s a constant pain seeing them hurt over him, and to make things worst he has been seeing multiple women whom have kids of their own, I’ve been shown photos of him and a woman’s kids together, doing what he should be doing with his own kids, and he has recently started seeing someone else, a new younger chick who also has a child of her own and he stays with them. How can someone be such a f#cking moron and act like his own kids don’t exist yet can spend his time with every other persons kids! I will never understand! I feel horrible but I wish he’d just stay gone and not bother reminding our kids he’s around every few months at a time. I’m just disappointed and deflated.

Just needed to vent