Cried in clinic yesterday after baseline

Asmi • Hopeful for the best to come!

So I went for baseline on 1st feb. LH and one other harmone was high so doctor ordered tablet to suppress them. After one week I had period again and went in for another baseline yesterday. Blood report was good but this time they saw the grown up cyst on left side. Now I have two options either to wait for it to dissolve on own or aspirate it. I am so confused and tired with all these twists and turns. Already doing <a href="">IVF</a> is big decision. Putting everything from pocket is another burden. On top of it one day harmones will go haywire, the other day this cyst. I almost cried yesterday at my <a href="">IVF</a> clinic. Doctor and nurse are too supportive but I don’t know why things can’t go little smoothly? Any words of hopes?