Anyone else struggling?

Felicia 💍👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

We have been TTC for about 6 months. First 2 months weren’t trying trying but the last 4 I’ve been very actively tracking everything. We have sex every other day especially during our ovulation window. I haven’t drank in months other than a few special occasions. I don’t smoke and last month I thought I would get my BFP. I had very sore breasts, nauseous and had a heightened sense of smell and was 3 days late for AF. I took so many tests all to be super negatives. I got pregnant when I was 20 which was not planned but gave me my amazing little boy. 7 years later I feel like everyone is pregnant around me and I’m surrounded by babies and pregnancy and it is so hard. My husband and I are newly weds and we get the constant subtle questions. At a dinner to celebrate my husbands promotion last weekend my mother in law asked me “if we were aloud” to have wine winking clearly wondering if I was pregnant and I just wanted to burst into tears right then and there. Ugh I just needed to vent and I truly am happy for everyone who has gotten their miracle and I know I really haven’t been trying for too long and I feel guilty for being so down and out but I figured there would be some other ladies who were in the same boat.

Baby dust to all ❤️