It’s like my body says “F you” and my efforts are for nothing! UPDATE


UPDATE: I actually passed the one hour glucose screening so looks like I don’t have GD yet! I’m honestly shocked I was really expecting the worst. Thank you guys for your support.

I had an ultrasound this morning and baby is good but the doc said my fluids are a little on the high side and that can be a sign of gestational diabetes.

I had GD with my last pregnancy but wasn’t diagnosed till 32 weeks (I passed the first test.)

I’m just bummed because I have actually tried really hard this time to eat better and exercise more. I lost all of the weight from my last pregnancy (was 5’8, 145 pounds before getting pregnant again) and even reduced my A1C to an even better “normal.” (5.1%!) I was really hoping to not have to deal with it again. I’ve also already gained 35 pounds despite me eating better and exercising: it’s just frustrating.

Any other mama’s having to deal with GD again? How did you handle it?

On the bright side I got a good ultrasound pic.