Please help if you've ever had facial skin issues

I dont know if it was eating bad or an allergy to something I've eaten but in the course of 3 days my face turned into this... I had rosacea prior to this but it was type 1 and minimal, managed with ivermectin.

This suddenly happened and I have very dry cheeks, now my nose is dry, and my forehead has tons of little bumps. This happened from Saturday night to Tuesday and has shown no improvement. I called my Dr waiting on them to call me back for an appt. Ive tried benadryl and didn't see much improvement. Im worried I may have a much worse form of rosacea but this just isn't even fair. Eating made it worse so I actually started a water fast to see if it helps improved but so far it has not. If you click on my picture it will enlarge and you can see it better. It started at the first pic to the 2nd and bottom left 3rd and there's a pic of my forehead. I am desperate. I have to put shea butter all over my face every day because my skin is so dry and rough. I literally had soft practically normal skin and then this rash started. When I break my fast im going to eat healthier but has anyone ever had anything even remotely similar? I was hoping that at the very least my forehead would improve but it hasn't, and now my nose seems dry and rough. I havent changed any facial stuff. Also when it burned itched and was hot and I flush easily. It doesn't bother me when I first wake up but as I walk around and get my blood flowing the color of my face turns red and started to get hot. The only reason my symptoms are not as bad is because I am water fasting to temporarily see if it helps but my face has shown no healing at all.

Please do not comment if you've never had something like this or if you have something to say about water fasting I will just ignore you I did not come here for that.