Been TTC for 4 months


I have a son who is 12 1/2 and wants a baby brother... I have an amazing boyfriend who wants to spend his life with me and treats me with so much love and respect, which sadly, I’m not used to. Thank God for him!

We’ve been TTC for

months. I have been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>, periods, sex... occasionally tracking BBT and weight.

I spent almost 12 years on birth control. The last one was Nexplanon and that came out May 11... expired April 20.

I’m worried my BC history is why I’m not pregnant. My boyfriend is willing to take vitamins to help as well. What have you all tried that worked quickly? I’ve read reviews in Amazon for different fertility Support vitamins that worked in two months but those same products have several opposing reviews. I don’t want to waste money and time. I’m 34 and I don’t have but a few years left to conceive. I want at least two more children.