My precious girl


On Jan. 23rd, 2021 I was diagnosed with COVID-19 I quarantined from that day until Feb. 5th, 2021. I had just went to the dr on Jan 12th and saw a perfect baby with a heart rate of 173 bpm at 12 weeks 1 day but On Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 2021 I was told that my precious baby no longer had a heartbeat I was 16 weeks and 1 day and that she was measuring 15 weeks therefore she had passed the week before while I was battling COVID. They stated there are no studies linking COVID and pregnancy loss but it’s just that “STUDIES” I will never think otherwise my baby was healthy and striving before I caught COVID and during having it she passed away... I’m so devastated... I gave birth to her on Thursday, Feb. 11th, 2021 at 1:27 pm and we named her Dream Yu’Mauri Brown.. To know when she opened her eyes the 1st face she saw was Jesus oh my what a joy.. I know he’ll sing her lullabies just as I would have too... I’ll love her forever