Feb 12 Friday Check in

Nicole • Married 💍 🌈👶🏻 born February 2021 💞

Happy Friday and almost Valentine’s Day ladies! Since we haven’t had an official Friday check in for this month yet, I figured I would start one for today. We have had so much exciting news with lots of babies being born lately! So happy for all of you and hoping that motherhood is everything you hoped for!

So I had mentioned in one of the threads that I had to be admitted overnight in the hospital for mild preeclampsia earlier this week. Thankfully, my 24 hour urine sample came back normal so they are not sure why it showed protein on one of the spot tests. I had an appt with my OB yesterday and we did an ultrasound and baby looked good and I still have a good amount of amniotic fluid. My blood pressure was higher than it normally is though, so she wants to see me again on Monday and discuss possibly inducing the following week. I told her I would be fine with that since I’ll be 39 weeks and full term by then and we won’t even know if baby decides to make her arrival before that anyway! The unknown is always scary, but our pregnancy journeys have never been simple!

Hope everyone has a nice and restful weekend! Seems like this arctic blast is going to be affecting lots of us. Stay safe❣️