Question about taxes

Why would I owe taxes? I’m just confused, I didn’t owe last year, I don’t know why I owe this year. When I estimate and do my W-2’s separately I get a return from both but when I do then together it says I owe, why’s that? I had a 0 on my form but recently changed it to a 1 since I do my own taxes. Do I have to file taxes?

I’m not really educated on this stuff and yes I did already look it up on Google and it said too little was withheld which doesn’t make sense to me

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Posted at
I’ve always found that paying someone to help with taxes is so worth it because it takes out all the stress. I unexpectedly owed taxes last year. It sucks but my tax guy helped me adjust my withholding so I won’t owe anything for 2020.


Posted at
Yes. You have to file taxes. If you didn't, no one would (that owes money). If you don't file and you get audited by the government, you could owe the government a lot of money and pay fines/do jail time. You owe either because you made too much this year (over a certain amount per year and you stop getting a refund or breaking even) or you just chose an option (0, 1, etc.) to be withheld from your paycheck that was too small. The amount of taxes withheld each paycheck is just an estimate of what should be taken out, not a perfect or set number.


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If you know you owe & don’t file you will get a huge fine.


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You have to file taxes chances are you made above the allotted limit for one person we owed last year and now we're getting a good sum back cause of kids.


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Yes you have to file taxes and did you file last year or how do you know you didn’t owe last year? There’s lots of different reasons you could owe, if you made more money this that’s one reason.


A✨ • Feb 13, 2021
If you have two W2s for 2020 then putting them together is your full income which is a higher number than separately, the more income you are bringing in the more taxes you have to pay


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I think you should find someone to do your taxes and ask them questions.


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You owe because too little was withheld. You would need to ask a CPA exactly where the difference was.