Team no sleep


I’m really struggling with my LO sleeping. She’ll be 6 weeks old in a few days and will only sleep if I’m holding her. She’ll sometimes sleep for my MIL, but won’t sleep for my SO. She was a great sleepe until the last week or so. Sometimes she’ll sleep for my SO but the last 2 days any time I try to lay down and nap she’ll start screaming. I’m exhausted and he’s really frustrated and disheartened. Even if he holds her the whole time she’ll cry. The first 4 weeks or so of life she would want to be held during the day but would then sleep in her bassinet from 12-7 or so waking up once or twice to eat. Now she’ll sleep maybe 45 minutes before crying again. Anyone else in this boat? I’ve tried the laying her down drowsy, I have a and white noise machine, we swaddle her. I don’t know what else to do. I need sleep and my SO needs to be able to get her to sleep and bond too.