Am I overreacting

My husband and I are first time parents to a two month old. We haven’t really seen friends since the baby and because of Covid. His best friend, who is in the military got the Covid vaccine and has been trying to catch up with my husband. He came over tonight for a few minutes and my husband was soooo sweet to me. I think he was buttering me up to later ask to stay out drinking all night. We haven’t spent one night apart since the baby. I totally get wanting to go out to blow steam just not until 10am the following day! Hubby said they’d go to a friends house nearby so he’s close. He left and changed plans to go to his warehouse he owns. There’s a living space there. About an hour later I get a text that said :

Husband: Hey Honey. We just got here. I know we’re going to be catching up and drinking. I might be driving back in the morning. If you are not okay with that I won’t drink and come back tonight.”

Me: I prefer you come home

Husband: Ok. When would you like me home

Me: Ill let you decide. I just don’t want you out all night.

Husband: Ok, we are not out. Just @ The warehouse. I will come home.

Me: thanks so much hon. I love you.

When we dated and lived together as boyfriend and girlfriend my husband used to get into the habit of staying at his warehouse all night until the following day! I couldnt stand it but I let him do it and let it slide because he ran a business. Now that we have a baby I want him close by. If he wants to drink once in a while or blow steam with a friend then do it but not until the next morning! And by morning he means 10am, not 2am which would be fine with me. I don’t want him to get back into the habit of staying out all night!! Again, I don’t mind him staying out but not all nighters please!

Thoughts if your husband did this with you?

Quick backstory. I love my husbands friend except this one. He has said really shitty things about me when hubby and I broke up back when we were dating. Whatever. I’m not against them being friends...I just really dislike this friend and my hubby knows I saw the texts about me. When the friend was over my husband could tell I was bothered by something and I was. I told hubby that we could chat later because I didn’t want to interrupt his time with his friend. Hubby then told me how I’m the most important thing to him and my happiness is first above everything.

I just don’t get all the buttering up then blindsided by the hey i want to stay out all night and drink and come home in the morning text.
