TTC Advice

So I’m 23, partner is 24! He had a son from a previous relationship and we have been trying since last April.. my cycles are very regular! I always come on the exact day glow predicts it! My ovulation is always bang on and I get at least 2 days of dark lines and we have a healthy sex life and a happy relationship! I’m just concerned that it’s coming up to a year and still nothing :( we had a faint positive last month but two days later my period came and was normal, I get quite bad period pain on my first day but after that it’s completely fine and I can carry on normally, some periods I get a bad day where I have to take it easy.. I have suffered with acne the past 3 years but it has cleared up with some antibiotics I was prescribed. Is anyone in a similar situation to me? Or has anyone conceived and had these worries prior to conceiving? I keep seeing things about endometriosis and I’m worried it could be something I have due to the period pain and I have had an ovarian cyst before that went away on it’s own.. that was two years ago!

I was also on the mirena coil for 5 years but I had it taken out last year and my cycle went back to normal immediately! Any tips, advice, vitamins etc would be appreciated because we want to give his son a sibling so badly and we want our family 💜