Ovulation days after miscarriage?!


Ok guys. I am stumped. I just took an ovulation test and got a very clear blinking smiley face telling me I am in the high fertility phase and going to ovulate soon!! The weirdest part is I miscarried Tuesday and stopped bleeding two days ago!! Has anyone ever heard of this before?!?!

I tested yesterday and the day before. Both nothing. Low LH. Today?? Blinking smiley, high LH 🤯. I know ovulation after miscarriage is all over the map for everyone. But dang. Two days?! I miscarried at 4 weeks to the day. So it was really early.

I mean....I am NOT complaining because it’s a chance to get our little rainbow baby! But I am so confused lol 😂

Can anyone tell if they’ve heard of this before?!