When you’re the one initiating sex after MC


My husband has always had a low sex drive. When we got pregnant with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, in one way it was good because the pressure was off sex as the way to conceive after so long. I avoided sex during the first few weeks because of the suppositories and out of nerves after I had some spotting. I ultimately miscarried at 11 weeks, and today (Valentine’s Day) marked 2 weeks since my d&c. So basically it had been 3 months since we’d had sex.

I initiated today and he was able to have sex for a little while, but it got me thinking about how to manage this going forward. I wanted sex throughout my pregnancy and even after my miscarriage as a way to connect. I know he masturbates so I really think that it’s just that he finds sex to be “effort” that he’s rarely personally inspired to expend, but I doubt the miscarriage helps.

Is anyone else here in the same boat - you’ve had an MC but you’re the one wanting to return to sex? How do you navigate this with your partner? Did he have any issues after the miscarriage that you had to address?