Women with ADD!!!

When I was younger I remember everyone always fussing at me constantly for never keeping still, or shutting up. I’d talk a mile a min about anything. I had no filter. Well people constantly put me down so I filtered myself heavily. I started doing poorly in school around 6th grade. Before then I got As and Bs. In 6th grade I started getting Ds and Fs which was unlike me but again my mom just criticized me and punished me and didn’t really look deeper into it. It happened all the way until I graduated with a 2.7 GPA. I was embarrassed. I barely graduated. In fact, one of my lovely teachers told me if I stayed late the last day of school ti redo this one project it would ensure that I’d graduate instead of having to repeat 12th grade. Thank god for her because i would have definitely failed. Fast forward to now I’m 26, and I have 2 kids and I’ve been married 5 years now. Life is so hard for me it seems. Getting organized, having energy to do any task at all is hard, I have to mentally coach and cue myself to do anything. The more important and time sensitive a task is, the more I’ll procrastinate. Today I just paid our internet bill that was past due. We owe double all because I simply forgot. I lose my military ID everyday. My husband complains about it but I genuinely forget where I put it and I don’t always have time to put it in my wallet especially while driving. I feel like my brain is mush and I can’t remember basic things. I’ve been called lazy, stupid, dingy, you name it. When in fact I’m none of those. I’m relatively smart, and I do clean constantly because it helps my anxiety. But I do not put things back in their place and o lose things often. Like my keys. Someone please tell me I’m not alone and that maybe I have ADD? Is this what it’s like?