Anyone had their thyroid removed ? Help answer a few questions please !

Leah • 5 Angel Babies 👶🏼 🕊 I have hypothyroidism and have had my thyroid removed. Been ttc since 2019.

I need someone to talk too about having the thyroid removed, I had my thyroid removed 1/19/2021. I had some complications and just need someone to talk too. I have my one month check up coming up next week. Anything honestly helps. I had hyperthyroidism and was than diagnosed with Graves’ disease and than got scheduled to get my thyroid removed and got it removed and I believe I technically have “hypothyroidism” now. I’m now taking levothyroxine 100mg to help get my levels back to normal (which to my belief are now normal but I have to wait to talk to my doctor tell the


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