Need to vent 😭


Where I live there’s a huge ice storm hitting, with below freezing temps for the next 5 days and my area isn’t equipped for it because we’re in the South. The roads are covered in black ice. I am 37+4 days and honestly terrified about going into labor right now. I had both of my girls at 38 weeks and I’ve been having a lot of contractions on and off, and I’ve been 4cm since 35 weeks.

This is me and my husbands last baby, and I am tearing up at the thought of him missing it because we can’t get anyone to come out here and watch our kids. I don’t want anyone risking their lives just to do that for us. Fortunately our hospital is only three minutes away but even that drive scares me, I’ve been hearing horror stories from all of my neighbors about zero traction, not being able to use their brakes at all.

I’m praying she stays in until the temps start to go back up but I’m going to be a nervous wreck until then. I don’t know what to do at this point.

Just need to vent about it because I’m so worried 😭