18-month-old still seems baby-ish?


My son has a really hard time obeying, which I know is common and normal for this age, but he still seems much younger than his 18.5 months (17 months adjusted age) he's not the type that would run around at my feet while cooking dinner, he BOLTS and finds trouble in .2 seconds flat. He can not/will not follow me around the house, he just runs around like a heathen. If I let go of his hand, it's over. Sadly we have to utilize a gated area most of the time, because he is CONSTANTLY running, and going, and doing and he never stops. He also is not progressing at all in the area of obeying or learning boundaries. Having him out of the gated area is good for him, and helps him learn said boundaries, but it's so damn exhausting.

PS, I work (from home) full time, 40 hours a week, so I don't have as much time to let him run around and learn boundaries as a SAHM would. So I'm just not sure what to do, or if it's normal at his age to still be like this?

He's incredibly smart, and he understands some pretty complex stuff, but he just isn't improving with boundaries and such. I've seen other kids his age obey much better, and follow their parents around, and come when called at least once in a while.

What am I doing wrong?