Not letting him hit it tonight

My husband is kinda slow when it comes to hints. And I told him I wanted, I wanted roses for Valentine’s Day. That all I wanted. He didn’t get me anything. So I let that slide I was kinda bummed.

I didn’t get him anything either except some Lingerie I bought a few weeks ago. I never dress up for sex because I feel self conscious. But tonight I wanted him to see me and be jaw dropping. I showered and shaved my 🐱 and put the lingerie on, walked up to him when he was taking a break from his game and he said he wasn’t in the mood. He said it looked cute and to keep it on. I told him I got this for him to surprise him and he said okay where’s my chocolate? I’m like wow. I told him to play his game and took it off and changed into regular pajamas.

I know some people might says Valentine’s Day is a stupid holiday but hear me out. Jan 20th was our 4 year wedding anniversary and he wasn’t home because he’s a truck driver. And he didn’t get me anything. And when we did see each other it was as if any day passed. Honestly I would have loved if he surprised me by ordering some doordash from chipotle and had a dinner date over FaceTime. But no.

Our birthdays just passed feb 5th and 6th and of course I was the one how who bought him a cake and two pairs of shoes and made him a candy Bouquet tied with a balloon for his birthday. He asked what I wanted for my birthday and I asked to go to the mall and the entire time he was complaining. I couldn’t even shop. “My back hurts, my knees hurt, my feet hurt, my balls are sticking to my thighs, I’m hot, I have to poop”. 🙄 I couldn’t even look around without him feeling like he was annoyed with me looking around. I didn’t even spend that much money honestly about $80

. So yeah this day doesn’t mean much to some but all I wanted was some roses because he’s not romantic at all. He doesn’t put any thought into anything for me even if I’m straight up with him and tell him what I want. He doesn’t put thought into anything or same energy as me. I even told him what I wanted so $10 on some cheap roses at the grocery store shouldn’t be hard. I know he has money. He just brought home $1700 paycheck two days ago. He makes a grand every week. I pay all the bills with my money and his money is just spending money for us to live comfortably. Also I’m going through a chemical pregnancy and I have been very emotional. I haven’t started the bleeding yet. Why do I even care about this or try.