How to exercise through nausea during first trimester?

Mai • first time mum @ 28 🤍 EDD: 21st Sept. ‘21

Before I got married in December, I worked out 5x a week doing mostly cardio (Zumba, HIIT) and light weights. After I got married, I didn’t have much time to workout. While we were TTC, however, I tried to get back to it but only to find out a week later that I was already 4w pregnant. During that week when I started to workout again, I had brown and light spotting whenever I pushed too hard which I thought at first was just PMS. I saw my OB at 5w and was advised to stop working out for a while. I went back at 6w after I had my ultrasound and other tests, and was told that walking should be enough for the time being. I don’t get to visit my OB again for at least another 6w.

I’m currently 8w5d. During weeks 4-5, I was often dizzy and had horrible nausea but with only mild vomiting. By weeks 6-7, morning sickness was gone and I felt slightly less pregnant. Now at week 8, I started to feel lightheaded again (but not as much as weeks 4-5). The most difficult part is that I also started to have that really bitter metallic taste that won’t go away (even after brushing) and I now experience having to vomit (stomach bile which is super sour and bitter) multiple times throughout the day. 😭 It takes away all of my energy and leaves me weak and shaky. To make it worse, I also sense a terrible acid reflux. It’s as if all my intestines would want to come up all the way out to my mouth!! I feel like a dead plant lol it’s soooo bad I don’t even have the stamina to walk to the kitchen to feed myself (not that it makes sense cus I’ll just throw up anyway lol but ofc I can’t starve my baby) 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyone else who was able to exercise in spite of a similar situation? Did it make your morning sickness better? Or did you have to wait till second trimester to get back up on your feet?