

Hi girls.. I’m literally looking for any advice or have any of you been in similar situations?

I’ll make this short-ish?🤦🏽‍♀️

I had a missed miscarriage in March/April. I never found out until my 12 week scan that my baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. So I then had to wait a week.. went back in for another scan and they confirmed there was no change so I then had to take the vaginal tablets to start me off.

Fast forward to today.. I’ve recently (2/3mobths ago) had a vaginal scan as my periods were becoming more heavy.. very painful.. pain during sex.. and a lot of pain in my lower back.. it had been like that almost after my MMC but at first I thought it was the aftermath of it all?

On my scan it showed I had polyps and that I was being transferred to a gynaecologist.. I’ve been waiting and waiting for this app to come through my post and I haven’t received it? So I called and they explained they were over run and worked and that once someone looks at my scan they’ll decided wether I need to go in and have more tests? So now it’s a waiting game..

but I was ok with waiting because with the whole world pandemic I understand there busy.. but now.. here I am at 5.22am woken up because I’ve flooded myself!

My ‘period started on Saturday 6/2/21 and I was just passing brown blood/black mucus for the first 7/8 days.. and I was really worried.. now.. I’m here and the flow is getting heavier now? It’s now back to bright red but this isn’t showing any signs of stopping? It’s now 16/2/21 and I just haven’t stopped? I called my doctor and had no response just a text message from my practise telling me now to worry or stress and to sit tight and wait for that app?

But my question is.. is this normal? When finding polyps is this how it is? Is anyone out there in the same boat? Why do I feel so alone and hormal like I’m dealing with all this on my own?

Sorry for the long post ladies as you can see I’m just over stressing 🤦🏽‍♀️

Any advice or help is much needed right now. Xxxx