Nausea + Vomiting 8 weeks

Aly • 27 👩🏻💍🧔🏻🐶🐱🐶 👶🏻 Due sept 24/21 🥰

So I have been experiencing nausea for the last few weeks but just started vomiting over the weekend. Usually once every morning but also if I eat too much or meals not close enough together. I’ve started having blood on a tissues when I blow my nose which I’ve read is normal in pregnancy but I’m also throwing up a bit of blood now/my throat is feeling really raw. I know I’m not throwing up all day everyday so I feel like medication is not necessary at this point but I also don’t want it to get worse. I work in a preschool room so there’s 16 children and me and one other teacher so to leave the room every so often to be sick is not a real option. (We are supposed to stay in our 1:8 ratio always). Any suggestions would really help! I’ve already started eating small meals every hour or so which is helping nausea. But I find I am wanting to eat less and less.