9mo not babbling


My son is 9 months and a weekish. His doctor told me I need to monitor his speech because he is not repeating consonants (mama,dada,baba, etc) or imitating us. Should I be worried? Is he super behind? I’m having major milestone anxiety. He blows raspberries, giggles, makes eye contact, will say “ah” to get our attention, does some “gees” or “b” sounds sometimes. Responds to his name most times. But is generally pretty quiet. He is crawling, pulling to stand, etc so seems to be hitting physical milestones. I’m reading to him, singing, pointing to things and naming as we see them, imitating his vocals when he does them. I don’t know what else to do to help. Google is making me crazy. I’m an autistic support teacher so am just anxious that when you Google late babbler that keeps popping up. Anyone else in the same boat? Or had a late babbler and it’s all good now? I feel like I’m having a hard time enjoying day to day because I’m so nervous that he’s not talking. I see some parents who say their kid is saying words by now, which is nuts to me!