Work rant 😒🙄

So I’ve been struggling big time financially because of covid and places not wanting to hire. I finally was able to pick up a job but there’s a ton of issues with the job. I don’t plan on staying long anyways since me and my fiancé are getting married and will soon move onto base while he does military stuff. But as for now I just need a bit of income for these next few weeks. For starters this job only gives 15 hrs a week which means about 3 shifts a week if we are lucky. Sometimes it’s only once or twice a week. Which means I am barely making enough for the things we need. When I started I wasn’t trained at all and no one barely helps as is. Something they are trying to do is have me come in at 2 am which I have stated numerous times I can’t do. So about 2 days ago I went online and requested to have a set schedule still following the guidelines that my manager wants meaning it is still in the frame she is willing to give her employees and still the same amount of days she is willing to give people on top of that there is almost 30 people there and still hiring people and they are not giving me the hours that I can do. They are extremely reasonable hours. I even asked my bf and he also agrees they are extremely workable and reasonable requests. It’s just really stressful when managers don’t give a shit and don’t do what you ask or need.