False Positive??!

Took a frer this morning and a faint line came up immediately. It’s noticeable enough in person to see right away, a little harder to see in picture. It’s faint enough that I’m not sure if it’s a bfp or not. Obviously I’ll test again in a few days but what do you guys think? I’m 10 months postpartum with no period to track but it’s been exactly 4 weeks since we dtd. With my first I didn’t get a positive until 6 weeks and my second one I got one really early so I’m trying to decide if I should spend money on more tests or not 🤷‍♀️ Pic was taken about a minute after taking the test, it got a bit pinker over the course of about ten minutes.

Edit: next morning took a clear blue pink dye and I don’t see even a hint of a line and in the reviews for frer on amazon there’s soo many woman saying they received a false positive.. husband and I are so disappointed. Last night we really started believing I was pregnant :( clear blue pic taken at the 5 minute mark.