Anyone know why I got a flaming positive OPK for 2 days before AF? (No I definitely wasn’t pregnant, not in meds, I don’t have pcos)


I was 12DPO and super tempted to waste another FRER test (I’d already taken one that morning and the day before, both BFN)... so I took an OPK instead 😂 but I didn’t expect it to be positive! Of course that just led me to take the FRER anyways to make sure that I wasn’t pregnant 🙄 (nope, bfn). So I took another OPK the next day, also positive, although not as dark as the first one. Then I got AF at 14 DPO, temps dropped as expected, etc.

But that still begs the question... why did I get a positive OPK the day before AF if I wasn’t ovulating again (or pregnant)? I’ve tried looking online, but there’s not much info. Anyone know anything about this?

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