Devastated and losing my mind


Ladies, I'm pregnant for a thirds time in a row after two MC's back to back in Nov and Dec. Since this 3rd pregnancy I've been back and forth to the doctors getting blood tests and US's but I'm getting absolutely NO ANSWERS!! Now, my period has ALWAYS been irregular so starting with the first pregnancy I don't know when I ovulated just went to the doctor for some irregular bleeding and cramps and found out I was pregnant but my HGC levels were 10 and I was likely having a missed or chemical miscarriage. I was in total shock. I had no idea and I'd been partying like crazy. Boom, tested up until my hpt when back to being negative. Bled 4 days and me and SO began to BD right away! Tested around Dec.11BFP again! Couldn't believe it! Almost two weeks later Dec. 19 I began bleeding again(went to hospital got blood drawn, then again two days later levels had dropped significantly I was miscarrying)...again bleeding for 4 days with terrible cramps I was absolutely devastated and developed a bit of PTSD from it at this point but me and SO began to BD immediately again. I had no periods in between any of these pregnancies. I tested Jan.16-17 and got yet another BFP and me being unaware of my ovulation dates or anything I'm just very confused. This has been my longest bean to stick thought some spotting 🥺🥺 the spotting was from diagnosed BV it has cleared and stopped. I also passed a clot but got blood work the next day and my levels were 50,010 a week before that it was 13,487. Boobs are sore, just got my first real hit of nausea today and had to pull over to throw up, tests are still showing very dark and I know that doesn't mean much. But according to my app I'm measuring 7wks 5 days but today I had gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole 😥😥😥 they were training the tech who was doing and everything sounded very confusing. I'm just not getting any answers and I'm drained at this point. It sucks so bad but I don't know if I should panic or even be sad yet. I'm really hanging onto hope. Got a blood draw today and I'll receive the results tomorrow I'm praying for a miracle I really am. Any similar stories or advice ladies I need my baby to grow and be okay 😞😞 I'm just so unlucky.

This are the pictures I did capture today.

Is that not my baby in 4? She was just so unsure 😥

**UPDATE** Doctor just calls back and says hey I'm sorry for the mix-up but I'm looking at your US scans again and the pregnancy is progressing just not as fast or as much as I would expect. Last week we didn't even see a sac and now we see a perfect one but I would expect to see more of a fetal pole. There's something that resembles a fetal pole but they believe it's just a part of my uterus. WTH is going on. That call has given me some hope but not much I'm praying 🙏🏽❤️