Help! What should I do?

Firstly, I want to start out and say I’m not extremely over weight. My bmi states that anything 136 and under is a health weight for me and I am at 140.

However, my family makes comments about the way I look multiple times a week! For example: I was happily dancing around because I did good on a test & my dad said “well at least you’re moving around” 😐 & he constantly implies that I need to work out to lose weight.

My mom on the other hand makes more directed comments, for example: I was walking to the kitchen to finish making the carrots I was boiling & she says “you know taking Metamucil will help you with you stomach” “it’ll make you feel full all day”... essentially implying that I shouldn’t be eating meals, just taking Metamucil as a meal replacement. (For those who don’t know Metamucil is a stool softener & it states on the bottle that it can be used as a meal replacement)

I should also add I don’t over eat. I count calories and I always consume under 1400 in a day.

Anyways, their comments really bother me sometimes & they have made them ever since I was a child and I’m 24 now. So, what would you do? Should I just attempt to ignore it? It honestly hits my self esteem quite hard. & I have tried to talk to them about it, but they try and back track and say it’s not what they mean.. or will say that it’s just a way I could “look better” or “loose weight”

I already feel guilty about eating. But their comments make me feel so guilty that I don’t want to eat even though I haven’t ate yet today...