Last straw am I wrong?

Jay • Mom of three girls 💕 and last baby on the way 💚

Baby girl is breeched now... she’s been head down since 20 weeks. However due to polyhydraminos she has enough room to flip at 37 weeks. Unfortunately due to my heart shaped uterus her having room to turn back around is slim. So csection it is.

Last night I told my husband I’m done. I will be asking them to take my tubes when they are in there. When I said it he honestly looked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart. But I’m just so frustrated. I’ve given him 3 babies. Each pregnancy has had some type of problem or risk. I’ve been lucky enough to have two vagina births and greatful but this csection is sending me. I’m so fearful of falling into a depression due to it and can feel it coming.

I think being done is the only way I can cope with the idea that I never have to risk this again. Am I wrong? Am I not considering him enough.