Crazy cycle month


This month my cycle did what it normally does before coming on. I had spotting two days before expected start date as normal but when it “came on” it stayed very light up until the last days when it was supposed to end like light enough to where I only needed a panty liner the whole 5 days. Only one day did it seem to pick up very little with very small clots sorry TMI. I know cycles can vary month to month but this has never happened to me. Today is my predicted ovulation day and idk if I’ll even ovulate I’ve been feeling crampy like I normally do around O time but idk if I should even call what I had a period. What do you guys think?

*I also don’t use ovulation strips anymore it’s no way to know what days it’s gonna happen for sure anyway so just bd every other day 🤷🏾‍♀️