Irregular Shaped Gestational Sac


So I ended up in the ER last night due to red spotting and cramps. ( Have been on and off for about a week) However after the US I had on Sunday that put the GS at only 5 weeks (according to my LMP I should be 6 weeks but I do sometimes have a 35 day cycle) and no Egg yolk yet I was concerned. So after blood work and ultrasound I was told my Beta was 9906. Anyway this could mean I am somewhere between 5.2-6.2 weeks. However there is still no egg yolk and because of the “irregular gestation sac” he told me “ It is more probable than not that this will not be a viable pregnancy”. I was devastated he also told me that it’s possible that it’s just to early and to follow up with my doctor on Friday. I honestly am afraid he’s right. I didn’t see the scan last night but the scan I had Sunday was not a perfect circle. Has anyone ever had an irregular sac this early and it turned out to be a healthy pregnancy? I’m hoping for the best but I haven’t found much about this.

TYIA -Monae

P.s this is the scan from Sunday I was somewhere between 5-6 weeks.