Best Dash Cam Recommendation please


Sorry I have to post it here

I have two vehicles and one was stolen the cops found my vehicle 4 days later with the tires burnt out and clutch stuck in park. Thankfully I fully own that vehicle and the vehicle broke down in clear view for the cops to see. 

The cops couldn't get any fingerprints im guessing because the theft wore gloves and the city cameras couldn't pick anyone up because it was too dark atleast that what the detective told me. What really pissed me off was I just bought my toddler a $200 car seat and when I found the car that was missing too. 

However I am making payments on my other vehicle and I can't afford for it or another expensive car seat to come up missing. However if I am that unlucky I want to atleast have proof of the theft. 

Also my car company doesn't have a tracker on my vehicle its a 2016 Ford Escape it might not be super new but I have a kid and my closest family member is 300 miles away im pretty sure they not gonna drive all the way here to help me with errands. 

I need product recommendation please on Dash Cam with GPS, interior and exterior recording and a App I can pull up the recording without taking the SD card out. Because if they steal the car they have the SD Card. 

Atleast I can have that last video of the person before they destroy the camera so I can press charges. 

I thought about a outdoor camera for my front door but that won't work because I live in a gated apartment complex and my apartment is on the back side of the building so my front door faces someone else's front door and my windows show the playground and open field.

Thanks in advance