Exciting news


I have been with Kaiser hospital my entire life and 2 years ago when my husband and I first started ttc I realized how horrible they were. The didn’t listen to me, didn’t help me. My only options were bc to put I bandaid on my pcos or spend thousands to go through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I couldn’t believe it. I was 23 at the time and it just didn’t seem right that my only real option was to invest thousands at such a young age. Clearly I didn’t go that route and stopped going to my doctors for help. When the opportunity finally came to switch my medical you better believe I did and switched over to a new doctors office! I just had my first doctors appointment with my new ob and she has already created a game plan and after a I get an HSG exam and my husband gets a sperm analysis done we will begin the processes! Seems unreal to be receiving so much help after not for so long! I can’t contain my excitement and am praying everything works out, We want this so bad!