36+5 4cm


I'm officially 36 weeks 5 days today with identical girls. I went to the doctor earlier and we talked about scheduling an induction at 38 weeks. I also had to have my GBS test done so while she was down there she decided to check my cervix for dilation. She laughed and said well im going to still set that induction up but i don't think you're going to make it that long. I'm already 4cm dilated and she said it will probably happen quick because there are two in there and i have 2 other children already. With my first i didn't know i was in labor, i had pretty heavy bleeding went in and found out i was 6 cm, He was born 4 hours later. With my second i went in and they kept me at 4 cm and my daughter was born 11 hours later. I'm so nervous as my youngest is 7 its been awhile and im having two at once this time 😅 When do you think these girls will decide to come?!