He’s got to be messing with me


I cloth diaper my 17 month old LO. Morning sickness is wicked for me though, I’ve already been diagnosed with hyperemisis. My son is very regular. He wakes up, nurses, I change his diaper and he poops. So I’ve switched to disposable diapers just for that morning poop and the rest of the day he’s in cloth.

Well, today was a particularly off day. Even with my zofran, I was throwing up pretty frequently.

He did his morning poo. I changed him while gagging. Then he pooped again in cloth...and then again...and again...AND AGAIN. So I had to rinse four poopy cloth diapers between my vomiting 🤮

I love this boy but come on 😅 5 poops in one day while mama can’t even the lingering smell of his conditioner spray was so unnecessary