Blood pressure.

My blood pressure has been all over the place lately. Super low then super high randomly. Last week it was super high (147/102) and I went to the hospital and they dismissed me, said it was nothing and to go home. I finally got in with my ob today and at my appointment my BP was 144/99 and he was concerned and prescribed me blood pressure medication. Since I’ve been home from the appointment I’ve had crazy BPs again. They started really low 80/45 and jumped to 153/99 which it stayed at for 5 mins (it lowered a little but was still 149/95) I couldn’t get in contact with my OB but I was wondering if you all thought I should give him a call in the morning to discuss what happened to me. I felt super sick the entire night. Is this something he needs to be aware of ASAP?

36 weeks pregnant