Do you regret having kids?

As the title says do you regret having kids?

So I have this crazy conspiracy theory that the media and the world portrays pregnancy and motherhood as this wonderful experience that all women should have at least once in their lifetime.

Which makes women who did not have a positive pregnancy or motherhood experience feel guilty about their feelings, and ashamed to share how they truly feel. Which is something I have personally seen other women go through.

On the other hand, women who don’t want to have kids or who never had kids are always portrayed and/or seen in a negative way by society like they did something horrific or as if there’s something deeply wrong with them for not wanting to have kids. And everyone around them keep telling them how they’re missing out.

My theory is that this idea of how wonderful pregnancy is and how society must guilt trip women who dont want kids was created by men to keep humans from going extinct.

Women are brainwashed to believe they must have kids. I don’t think everyone has to be a parent men and women, some people simply don’t want kids and they shouldn’t feel guilty about it by society that’s just dumb.