What are the chances of being pregnant?

My boyfriend and I had sex on feb 10. We didn’t use a condom and we had sex 3 times in total. Two times at night and once in the morning.

He did pull out and when he did, there was at least 2-4 seconds before he came. After the first time we kinda relaxed for like 20 minutes before having sec again. Same thing-he pulled out and there was a couple seconds before he came. I prefer in between. The next morning was also the same.

We had sex feb 10. My period was supposed to come 5 days ago (feb 14). It hasn’t and I’m a little concerned. I’ve taken a few pregnancy tests (clearblue-which predicts up to four days before your expected period date) and another one that tests of the day your period is supposed to come.

All three clearblue tests came out negative and the other one also came out negative. I don’t know if it’s too early to tell but I just wanted a second opinion. I did get a little stomach cramp a couple days ago, and my sleep schedule has changed drastically in the past week. Also today I’ve been so emotional-like everyone was irritating me and then I was upset because of a personal situation I discovered. I’m usually not emotional like this but I don’t know what happened-it was so bizarre.

What are your thoughts? What are the chances of me being pregnant?