Help am I over reacting?


Don’t get me wrong my kids are well behaved in public and do not have issues in school or anything. These are behaviours i can’t stand like making a mess and leaving it in the floor or not listening when i tell them it’s bed time and they need to be quite. They argue with each other all the time and my husband lets my kids whine and cry to get what they want (mostly my 4 year old). I can’t stand being told off if i wanna say something or parent my own kids. That’s my problem. My kids otherwise are good kids and do not misbehave in a way a lot of others do

My 4 year old gets mad over the smallest things. So i am kind of fed up and tried to tell her off this morning. My husband undermines me all the time tells me when and what I can tell my own children. I am gonna lose it. I am a mom of 3 pregnant with 4th trying to keep them in line. Why can’t I say what I want to say to my own children? This literally happens on a daily basis. I am so sick of it. I am sick of being called a mean mom by my husband because my 8 and 4 year old do not listen. I am sick of being told what I can say and how I can discipline my children (we don’t even discipline them ). I can’t say shit like “I will take tour colouring away if you don’t put them away” because I am mean. I can’t tell them off at 10-11 pm for being loud and playing because I am mean. I am sick of it to a point I am going to just leave.