Weight Loss/Eating Disorder

Hey guys, so for all of high school I only ate about once a day because of schedule and my depression and anxiety left me with no appetite. Of course this made me lose a lot of weight but I didn’t look malnourished or anything. After I graduated (2019) I gained about 40 lbs in relationship weight and the freshman 15 in university. I went from eating a slice of pizza a day to eating an entire box plus 20 wings. My breast shot up from 34 D to 36G and I lost a lot of confidence because none of my clothes fit. I tried working out but wasn’t consistent and wasn’t eating right so it didn’t really help. Now I’m seriously ready to lose this weight, I’m a vegan and workout 30 minutes a day minimum but I have this constant fear that I’m not doing enough or that it’s not gonna work. Something keeps telling me the only way to lose weight is to starve myself. I’m afraid that by working out my muscles will get bigger under my fat and then I’ll just be even bigger. I want to slim down, have smaller boobs again and feel my best. I’m already pretty confident with how I look right now but can someone please tell me the best way to slim down, I don’t wanna build muscle I just wanna look skinnier but I don’t want to starve myself again.