How much food to give a 10 week old?

My baby is in the 80th percentile and wants to constantly eat. My grandma recently said she’s concerned because he’s too fat 🥺. Very anxiety producing because I don’t want to overfeed him but it’s so hard for me as a new mom to gauge if I’m giving him too much or too little. I’ve tried feeding on demand and scheduling. My nanny put him on a schedule and did 4-5 oz when he wakes up and 2 hours later 1-2 oz to put him in a milk coma and encourage his naps which last 45 minutes. This continues all day until 9pm bedtime. He slept a whole 9 hours that night so I’ve been trying to follow her schedule but it feels like so much food! When I feed on demand, he’ll eat a heck of a lot! Sometimes he’ll want 6,7 or 8 ounces! My pediatrician said 8 is way too much and to stick to 5-6 ounces. She said every 4-5 hours, right? Wrong! He cries for food like every 2-2.5 hours. He is such a big baby. My pediatrician said you can’t overfeed a baby and they are on demand feeders. Should I not follow nanny’s schedule? I mean feeding before and after a nap feels excessive? Should I do on demand even if he wants more after 6 oz? Or should I stop and distract him after he finishes? It usually works...he’ll cry bloody nursery after I stop feeding until I try hard to distract him but then he’s hungry again 2 hours later