

Do you know what this is??

I haven’t fully recovered from my last period.. my last one lasted a little over two weeks. Then after that I was fine. Like 3 days ago or so I had something really stressful happen at work that caused me to have period discharge again... but it’s just brown discharge. Like this brownish color with a slight green hue to it.. I don’t know what the fuck that is. I don’t wanna go in to the doctor because that shit is expensive and all they do is give me antibiotics that cause more harm than good. Every time I take their antibiotics I get worse vagina infections..

thing is, I haven’t really been doing anything different. Just been having less sex, more stress and I tried this new supplement for your vagina and bowel health called “Fennugreek” and a few days after I started taking it is when I got my 2 week period.

Brown discharge is normal for me though- due to my birth control. My blood isn’t red anymore, it’s brown; that’s how it’s been for a little over a year now.

I’m not experiencing any pain or known discomfort so I don’t think there’s any reason to go in to get checked out..