Is this depression or am i just dramatic

I feel like I’m going crazy. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or just life in general. I haven’t had a job in six months and i apply to ones over and over again and no one will get back to me. I got one interview but ultimately i didn’t get the job. I don’t have any friends and the only people i ever see are my parents and they’re annoying as hell except for like every other week when by the grace of God i can actually tolerate them. I moved away from my boyfriend so i never see him anymore i haven’t seen a Broadway show (my favorite things in the world) in over a year bc of this damn parallelogram we’re living in. I’ve stopped going on social media bc everything in the world is always something bad to the point that i don’t even wanna know what’s going on anymore. I feel like every day is the same i just wake up watch YouTube and go back to bed. I like to read books but lately i don’t even feel like doing that anymore. I don’t feel like doing anything anymore.

I just constantly feel I’m waiting for something but i don’t even know what it is or when it’ll happen. Like i try to think of ie two weeks from now and tell myself everything will be better then. When in reality it probably won’t everything I’m sure will be exactly the same

I should start smoking weed doesn’t that make people feel better

Does anyone else feel down bc of the way the world is. I would assume it’s affecting a lot of peoples mental stability