How will I get my trust back


So I was sexually assaulted very recently, today actually. I was getting strawberries from a local grower and he forced kissed me and kept groping my breasts over and over again. I was in shock and I didn’t know what to do but I drove off as fast as I could back home before he got too far. I called the police and my family and I gave them my statement when my family was going to confront him he disappeared and now I feel like they won’t find him. I feel unsafe now to leave the house and I’m too afraid to get anywhere near my car..... I’m suppose to be starting a internship at a vet clinic in a few weeks and now I’m too afraid to go and move on.....I know it wasn’t my fault and maybe I should have fought back harder but I feel like all my trust in everyone and everything is gone. I’m worried they won’t get him at all and.....I just feel like a piece of me died or something.... what do I do now??? How do I move on from this???? Please I really need your input girls, I really do....