Pcos problems

I had to stop talking birth control because it caused me such horrible migraines now that I am fully detoxed from the birth control my periods have been three days stop and go again like when I first got diagnosed with the pcos. Today was almost deadly... when I have a cyst pop on my ovaries I pass out and sometimes throw up foam. This time I was in a car in the back sent with friends all I know is I said I was going to pass out and I did and then the next thing I know I was choking on my vomit and convulsing cause I couldn’t breath. I have tried every birth control and now I don’t know what to do and I am wanting a hysterectomy but since I am 23 I know I will have a fight on my hands..had I not been with friends I know I would have died tonight.. because I would have choked to death on my own vomit and I am really upset cause I have no where to turn it feels like...