He's here! (Updated with birth story)


I posted earlier but didn't have the energy to write out all that happened, so I'm just posting again 😅

My 2nd baby boy, Leon, was born today at 2:33 am. I was sent to be induced after my 38 week appointment because my bp was 163/114. It went down to 148/93 but my doctor wasn't comfortable letting me go home since I'm already on medicine for my blood pressure, so she sent me down to L&D. They started the pitocin at 6pm, my contractions took awhile to start and get regular but they did around 10pm. I had been at a 4 all week and was still at a 4, so they gave me some IV pain meds (I felt like a cloud, it was nice) and I went to sleep around 11:30pm. I woke up at 12:30am and my water broke, and I told them I needed the epidural asap, because my oldest came VERY quickly after my water broke and my contractions were becoming horrible. An hour later, the anesthesiologist shows up and does the epidural, and halfway through getting it placed, I felt the urge to push. I told the nurse, she said "Oh it's just pressure from your water breaking, he was so high up when I checked you earlier. You probably still have a few hours." They had me lay down, I noticed I wasn't getting numb in the front, and I had a ton of pressure on my vagina. I asked them to please check me again, because I knew I was about to deliver this baby only halfway numb. The nurse checks me, it's right at 2 AM, her eyes get big, and she says "um yep you're at a 9, I'm going to go call your doctor. If you feel that pressure, do not push." The contractions were so awful, I was crying, shaking, and trying to breathe through them, while trying to ignore the urge to push. I spent the next 20 minutes on oxygen, my heart rate was over 140 because I was terrified and could feel him moving lower and lower but didn't want the nurses to think I was intentionally pushing him out 😅 they came back in, checked me around 2:20, I was complete and he was coming out. They get the bed and room ready really fast and told me to go ahead and do a practice push. I do, and not 2 seconds in, one says "Okay stop pushing. You're a good pusher."


Luckily my doctor runs in right then, throws all her stuff on that she needed gets in position and tells me to go ahead and push. I pushed 3 times back to back and he was out. Took less than 2 minutes. The pressure was unbelievable 😳 the front side of all my girly bits felt like they were going to split in half (my back felt great though which may not seem important but back labor really really hurts so I was happy I couldn't feel it) they didn't even have time to place the catheter before things got crazy. But Leon is healthy, so sweet, and worth all the pain. 7lbs 12 ounces and 20 inches long 💙 I'm not sure how it counts with inductions, if the clock starts as soon as the pitocin was started, then it was about 9 hours. If the clock starts when my contractions became regular, then it took a little under 5 hours.