

Hi everyone!

So I was recently diagnosed with PCOS because of missing and irregular periods and high testosterone.

Now here’s my rant...

I went to an OB 3 years ago when I was 16 because I hadn’t gotten my period for three months. I knew this wasn’t normal in general and it wasn’t normal for me either. I got my period when I was 10 and I am a heavy researcher so I knew a ton about periods and even stumbled on PCOS.

At this appointment I asked the OB to check hormones and she told me they don’t check hormones because “there’s such a broad range.” I pressed a little bit but she straight up refused. I asked her about PCOS and she said it was highly unlikely and that I was just a teenager with irregular periods. Then she proceeded to explain what a period was (🙄) and put me on the pill.

Flash forward to summer 2020 I saw an NP and she noticed my blood pressure was high. She told me to stop taking the pill and was surprised my original OB never followed up with me on the pill. High blood pressure is an indicator that severe side effects like blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, etc can occur. I got off it and after two normal periods I haven’t had a period for 3 months.

Saw another NP who tested hormone levels, and that’s when we found I have high testosterone (like literally last week.)

ANYWAY, my rant is that this doctor didn’t take me seriously and it ended up being dangerous for me. BC is such a bandaid fix, and if I had known when I was 16 I could have avoided gaining 30+ pounds, my persistent high BP, and started living a different lifestyle.

Very frustrated.

Also struggling with the diagnosis so it’s possible I’m looking for someone to blame. I’ve always wanted kids and the infertility and miscarriage rates are so terrifying.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate all of you!