could i be pregnant ?

okay so i’m sixteen and for the past two days, my nipples have been hurting. not bad, but when you touch them a little too hard, they’re both sore. they’ve never hurt before, especially like this. i googled it, and it said something about being on your period could make them sore or being pregnant. the last time i had sex was almost two weeks ago. and in November, i got the Nexplanon birth control put into my arm. so, i was on my period for 90 something days and i recently got off around 5 days ago. and i usually always make my boyfriend use a condom. and even when i don’t, he pulls out. or it’s just for a second and then he puts one on. and we always make sure it hasn’t broken after he takes it off. and i know for sure that he has not came in me. i really need an explanation. can someone help me, please?