Virtual baby shower tips


Hey beautiful mamas to be,

I am a. FTM at 36+3 weeks. We had a virtual baby shower this weekend with just 2 friends over and my mom for some in person time.

I wasn’t too thrilled at first for the virtual part but my husband created a trivia game on a website called and we zoomed with everyone. It ended up being way more fun than I expected. I wanted to share.

After creating your trivia game.

We had every guest introduce them selves.

We played a 20 question trivia game on kahoot.

Then we went back to zoom and had 5 more questions. But to make time go by slow we only asked one question at a time and went down the list. I had roughly 20 people on zoom so it took time to hear everyone’s answers. Questions we asked were along the lines of...

baby due due date

Time of birth

Weight of birth

Length at birth

Hair color

I’m sure you can Pinterest other questions. I do suggest asking each person one at a time for each question because it makes time slow down so you’re not rushing through and then we get to reconnect every few minutes with each person . The more questions the better..

Moms favorite part of pregnancy many great questions to ask.

Also give people time to get on, don’t start right away, and for not so tech people, work with them the day before. My own father got on zoom but had no idea how to go to the website to play the game and then he fell off zoom for the entire shower.

And then after the big day,

I will go back and send a small prize to the winners such as $5-15 Starbucks or amazon gift cards.

Hope this helps make your shower as special as mine felt.